
I bought a lovely new handbag at the weekend (my new, going into the city, chic black tote) and I immediately emptied out the bag I was using and transferred everything to the new bag. This made me realise the enormous amount of stuff I cart around with me every day. At various points over the years I have tried to carry less; it never works out. Almost without fail, whenever I decide an item is non-essential and that I can perfectly well do without it for a couple of hours, I am completely wrong. This is what is currently in my bag:

Filofax (pocket size) – I’ve only just started using this again after failing to make an online diary work. Carrying my Filofax with me again is like getting a security blanket back. I’ve had one since I was about 15. It is a yearly ritual of mine to settle down with the new diary insert and carefully transfer over all the important dates from the previous year. Every second year or so, I overhaul the address section too. I have only just stopped carrying the map of central London, although I do also have a map of Manhattan.

Moleskine notebook – this holds my TBR list. I take it to Borders or B&N. Generally, they have nothing on my list, so I come home with a load of other books and have to put in an Amazon order for the TBR books. There are also a few notes on bottles of wine I have liked, and for some reason, my packing lists go in here as well.

iPod – my constant companion. Audiobooks have changed my life. Currently listening to A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libby Bray, which is both annoying and compelling, and so doubly annoying. I was so convinced that the author was using anachronistic language that I looked a few words up in my Dictionary of Etymology, and found that Thackeray used ‘bohemian’ in Vanity Fair, and ‘tip-top’ dates to the 18th century, so both are certainly appropriate for the Victorian era. Being proven wrong was, of course, even more annoying. There is also some music on there but not enough for me not to be bored with it. For extreme emergencies, there is the entire series of Firefly so that I can continue my somewhat one-sided love affair with Nathan Fillion.

Mobile phone – don’t know why I bother, usually when it rings it’s a wrong number. I hate this phone. I downgraded to pay as you go because I don’t make or receive enough calls to justify a monthly bill. So now I have this crappy phone that is apparently constructed out of post-it notes and the bits of metal you pull off the top of cans of pop. Since I am really quite besotted with gadgets, the nastiness of this particular one causes me undue upset.

Book – currently The Glass Key by Dashiel Hammett.

Gloves, black leather lined with cashmere – my hands have no circulation. It’ll be June before I stop carrying gloves, and I’ll be wearing them again in September. In fact, my feet have no circulation either, and even my dearest friend has been unable to deny that if I’m wearing a skirt and it gets a bit nippy, my legs look like they’re made of Spam.

Aveeno handcream – because my hands have no circulation and therefore dry out to the consistency of old onion skin.

Bliss superbalm with SPF 15 – because I’m addicted to lip balm. I have two others, presumably rattling round in other bags or in coat pockets. They always turn up eventually.

Vincent Longo sugar mauve lipstick – my new lipstick! Bringing me to a grand total of three, all in slight variations on the same colour. I love make up (all those boxes and brushes and shiny things), I just have no idea what to do with it. So I wander around Sephora admiring the packaging and then usually come out empty-handed.

Car keys – can’t really leave home without them unless going on a walk. Also attached to my car keys is my fob to get me into work, and the swipey card for the gym.

Chewing gum – given to me by Marcy. It is a strange, raspberry mint flavour that is oddly pleasant.

Mints – bought buy me, partly because I liked the tin. Usually it’s either mints or gum, not both.
25% discount card for Coach – bastards! Couldn’t they have sent that before I bought the bag?

Wallet – never with any actual cash in it, only shrapnel and plastic, stamps, other people’s business cards, old receipts (useful for wrapping chewing gum in)… Still, this is the wallet I bought myself to celebrate getting my MA so I like it.

Fountain pen – I have used a fountain pen since I was 11 and got one of the old stainless steel Parkers for my birthday. I had that pen until I was in my early 20s, and I was distraught when I lost it. I emailed around the company I worked for at the time, explaining that I had had the pen for years and it was recognisably mine because it had my name engraved on it. No one had it, but someone emailed back asking me if I was a Virgo, on the grounds that only a Virgo could keep hold of a fountain pen for that long. I am indeed a Virgo. This pen is the latest incarnation, bought at the Pen Shop in Oxford. I am faithful to Parker.

A biro – because I was caught in New Haven on my way to a Greek lesson without a pen, so bought this one. And am clearly determined never to be so caught short again.

Travel pack of Advil – because every few months I would find myself popping off to CVS for Advil when surprised by the sudden onset of period pains. Also, because if I get dehydrated I get horrible headaches. So now I have Advil scattered everywhere.

Actually, I thought there was a small box of matches in there too, picked up in a restaurant, but they have disappeared.

Now, if anyone feels like sharing – what are the items you must have with you?

Author: musingsfromthesofa

I've run out of books. Again.

15 thoughts on “Stuff”

  1. I love hearing the contents of another woman’s handbag–because then I don’t feel so bad about what’s in mine!!

    My colossal purse contains: 1 wallet, 1 smaller purse (really), 1 pack of gum, assorted pens (ask Mattio about my pen issues), keys, ipod, mobile phone, various old shopping lists, various old receipts, various old coupons, various old post it notes, business cards, 1 pair of knit gloves, kiehl’s lip balm, hair trinkets for children, 3 pairs of sunglasses (it’s an obsession, I leave them all over the place) + 1 old pair of glasses in the case, envelopes, loose coins, travel advil, and 2 granola bars (kashi, pumpkin spice flax).

    Out of all of this, the must haves are: wallet, mobile phone, business cards, ipod, and 1 pair of sunglasses (preferably my pradas, as they are my absolute faves right now). However, if I were to clean out my purse down to that, it would only be a matter of days before the rest of the junk found it’s way back in.

    Congrats on the new job–we’ll all have to do lunch before you leave!!

  2. I remember when I was a kid and we moved back to the states and I hadn’t watched ANY television my whole life, so I tried to make up for it by watching everything, all the time, which meant I came home for lunch and turned on the television and watched game shows, including Let’s Make A Deal, which brings me to one of my all time favorite things: the moment, at the end of the show, when Monty Hall would pull cash out of his pockets and offer it to any woman in the audience who had, in her purse, items such as (a) a voter’s registration card; (b) a baby bottle; (c) you get the idea.

    And that is why, to this day, I put EVERYTHING I can think of in my purse. Just in case.

  3. Ha this made me laugh! I always used to say that my handbag held the material equivalent of my unconscious. A whole load of bits and bobs that were at one time essential but whose purpose was now uncertain and were hanging around as clutter when really they ought to be thrown away.

  4. Tracie – I would certainly carry sunglasses at all times if only I could be bothered to wear contact lenses more often. That would entail adding lens case, solution, glasses case with glasses and sunglasses to my bag… Also, one of the reasons I bought a huge purse is so I can fit a smaller purse into it if need be!
    Definitely, let’s have lunch!

    Bloglily – Either I have seen clips of that show or awareness of it floats in the ether and is absorbed via osmosis. I can picture it. ‘Just in case’ is why I carry so much with me too. Whatever you leave behind, is the one item you want.

    Litlove – As with the bag, so with the mind. The minute you forget some piece of information you’ve been holding for years is when someone will ask you a question and you’ll have to respond ‘Wait, I used to know that!’

  5. All right, I will soon do a full post on the contents of the handbag-that-I-really-don’t-need-and-really-don’t-carry-because-you-know-I-lead-a simple-life soon. (But it’s impossible not to carry one, because no fashion designer believes women’s clothing needs the hundreds of pockets they so graciously sew into anything found in the men’s department.)

  6. Let’s see, mine has in it right now: a bottle of water, my wallet and change purse, keys, mobile, mirror compact, lipstick, lip gloss, lip balm (a girl has to be prepared!), a hair tie, nail file, tissues, receipts, gum, mints, a book, iPod, notebook, pen and baby wipes. Phew!

    But that’s the big ‘going out and about’ bag and is separate from my everyday ‘I’m a mum to a toddler’ bag which contains: mobile, keys, wallet and change purse, mirror compact, lip balm, tissues, baby wipes, mini packs of raisins, sippy cup, crackers, nappy, nappy sacks, anti-bacterial hand gel, a spare pair of socks, a warm hat and a kid’s board book.

    I much prefer the former.

  7. I feel so spartan. Mine has my wallet,two lipsticks, my key, my fob for work, and my cell phone. That’s all.

    Oh. But wait. I have another bag – yes, I carry a purse and a tote. The tote, it has my dress shoes, various newspaper clippings, files, bottled water, my lunch…Lord, the things we carry!

  8. My ‘bag’ is 5x8x2 inches. Room enough for a wallet with no cash, a subway ticket, a checkbook, my keys, and that’s about it. I think I once flew on a business trip with just this one ‘bag’ and my hands in my pockets. The feeling of freedom of travelling light is something you may want to try once in a while (on a pleasant June afternoon, probably).

    You don’t want to know what I have in my bicycle satchels, though.

  9. Courtney – I was so impressed with your spartanness (is there such a word?)

    Mandarine – I used to have just a wallet in my back pocket and a set of keys. This accretion has taken place partly because I have a car now.
    But on holiday I find I don’t need the same amount of day to day stuff, and it is a feeling of lightness.

  10. I got SO tired of moving things from backpack to purse to purse and forgetting something that I have a case filled with everything I need that I move from bag to bag. In it is my personalized first aid case. It’s meant to carry my as-needed inhaler for anytime I need it. And I always have it and never use it. The one time I might need it, I can’t take the chance of not having a burst of steroids to open my lungs. It’s big and clunky so this case ends up holding more stuff:
    lactaid for us lact-tards
    tylenol, advil & a decongestant (get at all sources of headaches)
    lip balm
    sunblock stick
    hand sanitizer (a must before eating after you were on the subway)
    hand cream
    eye drops
    eyeglass repair kit
    many ricola drops
    tiny hand mirror I’ve had since I was 11
    hair band and hair clip
    Sitting on top of it all: a train schedule where I can see the trains out of New York through the case.

    What can’t fit in it: pack of tissues (everywhere), my wallet with credit cards I’m trying not to use & my ACLU card, my flash drive that’s attached to the wallet, cell phone, and my 2nd wallet with subway card, train ticket and IDs for quick access.

    If I’m on the go, I’m on the go all day and no where near home. I find I have used most things in this at least once. The ricola, hand santizer and hand cream are what I go for the most.

    In the summer, here are the three things you must have to survive:
    bottle of water
    light wrap
    Japanese rice paper fold-out fan.
    Why? Water to keep you hydrated… should have it all year. A wrap to keep you warm in the over-air conditioned trains, subways and office buildings. And the fan to keep you cool on the stifling platforms waiting for the cold trains.

    Handbag designers caught on to this habit of us women: pockets are unflattering on our clothes (you don’t want extra bulk at your waist) but we carry loads of stuff with us.

    And that’s why we have so much to say!!!

  11. I guess the benefit of going to an office is that I can dump a lot of the stuff there. If I carried as much with me as you do, I would get a case on wheels!

  12. You like Firefly! You love Nathan Fillion! *sigh* I’d fly on a ship with him as captain anywhere…..

    As to my handbag, deeper *sigh* I’ll put it on my blog so everyone can know that i am truly a female freak (I have no makeup, lipstick etc and can’t find plain tissue anywhere, they all seem to have moisturizer in them now, ugh) and most of what i carry is paper lists of books i want!!

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