Day 2: I love your blog

Bless Charlotte for many reasons, but today for giving me an award and something to post about. You would not believe how long it took me to get that flippin’ blinkin’ image into the side bar. Good to know that despite my job and year or so of blogging, I remain a techno-twit.

It is now my happy duty to nominate seven other bloggers, which was tricky because how does one winnow down one’s list? Wherefore, I am leaving out the bloggers Charlotte already nominated, else their pages will be cluttered with awards and there will be no room for words. Which would be disastrous.

So (rustling of paper and opening of golden envelope), without further ado, here are the nominees:

Bloglily – who is away on a blogging break at the moment but will be back soon. Surely?

Raych at books i done read – for her always entertaining and often downright hilarious reviews.

Ella at BoxofBooks – I mean, just look at her beautiful illustrations. 

Litlove at Tales from the Reading Room – who has a ruinous effect on my TBR pile and writes with such wisdom and openness. Most recently, thanks for Barbara Pym.

Eva at A Striped Armchair – who is remaining upbeat and cheerful despite the stresses of adapting to grad school life.

Zoesmom – for being exactly who she is; and for shoe tips.

Traciedesigns – for her keen eye for marvellous designs of all descriptions.

Noble Savage – for being feisty and giving me the other side of the ex-pat story.

The rules are:

  1. Add the logo of the award to your blog
  2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
  3. Nominate at least seven other blog.
  4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.

Hear me, nominees: go forth and nominate!

Author: musingsfromthesofa

I've run out of books. Again.

9 thoughts on “Day 2: I love your blog”

  1. Oh me, I blush. Heaps of thanks for kind words.

    Also, I’m not just saying this, but your blog is pretty! I read with bloglines, so I don’t usually know what people’s blogs look like, but I love the color and the crazy-ass pointy daisy on the top left.

  2. Oh thank you so much! You’ve just made my (otherwise dreary) Monday morning! I am the most appalling techno-twit and fear I’ll never get the cute image on my side bar, but I’ll spread the love!

  3. Yay! Thanks so much! Now I can honestly say it’s an award-winning blog (instead of just making it up, like I do now–hee hee 🙂

  4. NS – for WordPress, I first saved the image. Then copied the image location url into a text widget, using this code:
    And it took me more than a few attempts. Good luck!

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