Meme award

Bless that Zoesmom, an award and a meme in one.  To claim the award, I have to list seven personality traits and nominate seven other bloggers who ZM hasn’t already nominated. That’ll be the tough part.

1. I can be readily comforted with food. Sometimes, tea, toast and marmite is all it takes to make me happy on a rainy afternoon.

2. I usually arrive early. This is because unpunctuality drives me mad, and I don’t subscribe to the ‘I’ll call when I’m on my way’ school of arrangements. Also because I overestimate how long it takes to get anywhere so that I have time to get lost on the way. It isn’t that I intend to get lost, it’s just that it happens.

3. I am completely crap at anything involving: geography, distance, directions or spatial awareness, or particularly any combination of the above. Driving is often a trial. Map reading is an arcane science.

4. I don’t do numbers, graphs, diagrams. I would rather read a couple of hundred pages than attempt to make sense of a diagram. Sciences were not my strong point at school.

5. I want what I want. If it’s not available/affordable/possible, then I lose interest. I don’t care about the compromises or substitutes.

6. I am bad at giving in to circumstances. I prefer to make circumstances give in to me. Sometimes, this is an advantage because it means I won’t give up until I’ve solved a problem, and it allows me to find new avenues of approach. Sometimes, problems really are insoluble and I still can’t stop myself from running my head against them repeatedly, usually in the early hours of the morning.

7. However critical I am of other people (which is very, because, you know, Virgo) I am always more critical of myself.

So now (rustle of envelope), the nominees:

Of Books and Bicycles

Cam’s Commentary

Noble Savage

Box of Books

Tales from the Reading Room (when she gets back from holiday)


Couch trip


I see that, in unwitting proof of #4, I have nominated eight others. I find that quite funny.


Author: musingsfromthesofa

I've run out of books. Again.

7 thoughts on “Meme award”

  1. Many thanks for the award! I will now have to think of my own answers. I agree that good food makes life much more bearable. Sometimes even bad food will do the trick.

  2. I am with you on #2…I like to call it “Unfashionably early.” My friends like to call it…”I just got out of the shower!!!”

  3. Tea, toast, and marmite…sounds wonderful right about now. Oh yeah, that’s right. I live in Lancaster County. Wonder if there is a single shop around that sells marmite. And I hate the “I’ll call when I’m on the way” sort of living as well. Even worse is the, “I’ll call when I’m almost there,” which means you can’t do a bloody thing until the person arrives, even if it’s going to be hours , because you have no clue when it might be, and when they call, they might be a mere five minutes away.

  4. Dorothy – Sometimes, bad food is exactly what the situation requires.

    Di – Is there a reason why you are early? I know that I am because my father was always late and it annoyed the hell out of me.

    Emily – You want marmite? I can bring some…
    As far as I can see, if someone refuses to set a time and place for a meeting, then if they do call when they are ‘almost there’ and you are in the middle of something else, they have to wait for you.

  5. I am SUCH A LAGGARD! But thank you. And I loved reading your personality traits. I’m not sure I can come up with anything nearly as interesting. xoxo

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